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Marketing Program


There are several universities in the UAE that offer the EMBA program at different prices and with different program durations. In the table below, the top competitors are listed with their tuition fees and duration of program. All of the universities shown below are in the UAE and already have the EMBA program.






Product Strategy


In order to differentiate AUD from its competitors, information has been gathered about the product that each competitor’s EMBA. Below are each university’s marketing class descriptions in Table below followed by a prototype syllabus:

Price Strategy



















Analysis of Figure 19 above.


Mean/Average= 260,979 dirhams

Listed above are the top competitors of the AUD that all offer the EMBA program. However, as shown above, the tuition fees varies in all the universities, with an average of 260,979 dirhams or 71,501 USD. AUD is slightly below the average price of an EMBA program at 238,745 or 65,000 dirhams or dollars respectively, making it both affordable and suitable for the applicants who plan to pursue this program. As shown in the diagram, the most expensive university is the London Business School and the cheapest university is Synergy. Besides being below average in terms of tuition fees, the EMBA program at AUD offers some of the unique aspects that make AUD’s EMBA special. Some of these are:-

  1. Cutting edge content (AI, blockchain, internet of things)

  2. Personal reinvention (coaching, leadership development)

  3. Teaching more than just the bottom line (community, societal awareness)

  4. Designed and developed with Cornell, faculty from Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, etc.

With the unique aspects of the AUD’s EMBA program mentioned above, and the affordable pricing, AUD is the perfect choice.

Furthermore, the duration of the programs as shown in Figure 1.1 has a range that in some universities can change for example in University of Wollongong the program can be done in 18 months or in two years (24 months). However, it doesn’t vary much as the range in the diagram is from 14-24 months or 1 year to 2 years. AUD’s EMBA program is one of the universities that offers this program over the course of two years. Which allows our applicants who are busy with full-time jobs, and occupied in most of the days to get this education with the least amount of pressure possible.


Place (Distribution) Strategy


The placement of the AUD EMBA Program will be at the AUD  Campus which is located in the  heart of Media City in Dubai.  For our prospective EMBA students, this is beneficial as it lies in a hub of businesses where the networking possibilities are endless. For example, the Media City area of Dubai has leading businesses in the following sectors such as media and advertising, with Leo Burnett and ITP Media Group just a five minute walk from campus. Samsung is also a neighbor of AUD, along with broadcasting companies like MBC just south of the campus. Not to mention the countless amounts of businesses running through the skyscrapers that surround the university. Dubai itself is a strategic location as it is one of the fastest developing and advanced countries in the world.












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